
2020 Voter Fraud as it Relates to Voter Registrations

By Cher McCoy

Voter fraud started way before the November 2020 election.  According to Judicial Watch that released a study back in September of last year, 353 U.S. Counties in 29 states had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.  This means the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100 percent of eligible voters.

The following states 8 states showed state-wide registration rates exceeding 100 percent:

  1.  Alaska
  2. Colorado
  3. Maine
  4. Maryland
  5. Michigan
  6. New Jersey
  7. Rhode Island
  8. Vermont

Another thing the study showed was certain state voter registration lists may also be larger than had been reported.  This would be because they may have excluded the inactive voters from their data.  These would be the voters who may have moved but still registered voters.  They may show up and vote on Election Day.  Or, they may request mail-in ballots.  They may also show up and vote in the location they had moved to.  It should be noted here that voting in two states is a felony. 

In order for studies to be accurate it is necessary for states to comply with the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires states to make reasonable efforts to clean their voter rolls.  Judicial Watch has sued Colorado over its failure to comply with this act.

A study in 2019 showed that 40 of Colorado’s 64 counties had voter registration rates exceeding 100 percent of the eligible citizen voting-age population.  The percentage of Colorado counties with registration rates exceeding 100 percent was the highest in the nation.

As a former GOP Unit Chair in Virginia I remember receiving the purge list from the local SBE officer in compliance with the federal law.  I had no way of knowing if it was complete, however.  People don’t always report a death or a move immediately; obviously some never do.

A new study shows 1.8 million excess or ‘ghost’ voters in 353 counties across 29 states.  Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch President, said it was recklessness when referring to mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. He also said, “Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections.”

The following chart that Judicial Watch put together show States, along with the number of counties, included Judicial Watch’s study where voter registration rates in counties or statewide exceed 100 percent of eligible population.  I have highlighted Virginia:

Alabama (25)                                      Maine (7)                                            Oregon (9)

Alaska (statewide)                              Maryland (13)                                     Rhode Island (4)

Arizona (2)                                          Massachusetts (3)                                South Carolina (1)

Arkansas (1)                                        Michigan (68)                                     South Dakota (17)

Colorado (42)                                      Missouri (1)                                        Tennessee (36)

Florida (8)                                           Montana (5)                                        Texas (33)

Georgia (23)                                        Nebraska (5)                                        Vermont (statewide)

Indiana (10)                                         Nevada (3)                                          Virginia (24)

Iowa (7)                                               New Jersey (16)                                  Washington (14)

Kansas (1)                                           New Mexico (2)                                  West Virginia (5)

                                                            New York (5)

States that did not post adequate data online to determine voter registration rates compared to eligible population:


District of Columbia (which is a federal district, not a state)



States that do not post online data showing voter registration rates:

Idaho                                                   North Dakota

Illinois                                                 Ohio

Louisiana                                             Utah

Minnesota                                           Wisconsin

Mississippi                                           Wyoming

New Hampshire

“It is a direct threat to free and fair elections that with record numbers of mail-in ballots this cycle, over half of Colorado counties have more people registered to vote than are eligible to register, “said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 

Judicial Watch also sued Pennsylvania and North Carolina for failing to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls as required by federal law.

To read the entire story, see the Verdict published by Judicial Watch January 2021, Volume 27/Issue 1.  A donation to Judicial Watch for all they do to keep us informed would be great.

I highly recommend Tom’s new book, “A Republic Under Assault” – New York Times Bestseller.

3 thoughts on “2020 Voter Fraud as it Relates to Voter Registrations

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    • Thank you Cristopher Murchison

  • That is a good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate information… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!

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