
A Response to the Peggy Noonan Article April 10th W.S.J.

With reference to Peggy Noonan’s article of  April 10-11.  The rise of the independent voter has been fueled by what they are offered by both parties.  The Democrat’s answer is an elitist big government control over all parts of our lives.  The Republican’s give us complaints without solutions for the questions of health care, immigration, education,  late term abortion,  the environment, etc.  The Independent voter is left to chose between the lesser of two evils.  It appears to be an (“all or nothing”) world.   Ms. Noonan answer for the Republican Party: (“If only you take  right and serious stands aimed at helping the people of your country.”)  I take this to mean the Republican party as a group must give workable solutions to the most pressing issues of the day to become relevant.  At present the party appears powerless, which makes those who support them powerless.  They have no voice.

A people who are kept in a state of apprehension and lost hope traditionally have two options.

One is to give up, putting their heads in the sands of history.  The other is to become (radicalized). This throughout history, is the answer for those with no voice.  Neither of these options keep a free republic free.

The House and Senate Republicans  need to do more than bellow like caged bulls.  They need to create alternative answers and stand behind them as a party.  Show you are not powerless.   Show you have a voice and so do the rest of us.

  Jeanne Hamilton, Virginia