
Another view on COVID

On July 27th 2020 in Washing D.C. America’s Frontline Doctors had a press conference on Capitol Hill.

Their message was to have hope during this pandemic. They claimed that there is a cure for COVID and backed up their claims with evidence, statistics and logic. They weighed the science behind COVID against the effects the COVID response has had on the economy and mental health of Americans.

A video of their conference was posted on social media and received over 17 million views. That night, YouTube, twitter, and Facebook took the video down, censoring them and their right to share their findings.

Since that time, many in the mainstream media have attacked the conference and the credibility of the doctors.

CNN posted an article titled, “Social media giants remove viral video with false coronavirus claims that Trump retweeted”. In the title of the article, CNN used specific words designed to discredit the doctors claims. Then, in the article, they do little to present information that would allow readers to make their own opinions about what the doctors say. The article was primarily an attack on the doctors, their backgrounds and motivations.

Nothing is ever said about the propriety of social media censoring opinions they disagree with.

Click here or on the picture below to go to their website. For more a more complete picture of what the doctors are claiming, click on the “Summit” tab” at the top of their webpage.

Our Opinion:

Looking at several of the media sites that reported on this, we were not surprised to find them not attacking the conclusions of the doctors, but instead, the doctor’s backgrounds and motivations. It seemed like more of a political attack than an argument against what they were saying. Why would they do that? Could it be because any good news about recovery from COVID is bad news for someone with a liberal agenda?

This reminds me of the Global Warming debate where any scientist that argues against manmade global warming is silenced not debated.

Whether you agree or disagree with the doctors, do you really want politically motivated social media corporations deciding what you are allowed to post and read on their sites? Please comment below and tell us where you think the limits should be.

Article by Emmalisa Horlacher and Hugh Bouchelle