
Conservatives afraid to speak up? I wonder why?

In a recent survey by the Cato Institute, researchers found that overall 62 percent of respondents felt that the political climate these days prevented them from saying things they believed out of fear that others might find them offensive. This result was up 4 percent from the same survey taken just three years ago.

Thirty-two percent worry about missing out on job opportunities due to expressing their political views.

Not surprising, conservatives were much more likely to report that they worried about expressing their point of view more than liberals. That may be easy to understand when one considers that the study also found that while 50 percent of hard left liberals said they would support firing someone if they donated to the Trump campaign, only 36 percent of far right conservatives were willing to have someone fired for being a Biden supporter.

What may be even more scary is that these numbers may be even higher than reported since it is likely that some people are either afraid or embarrassed to admit, even to themselves, that they fear expressing political views for fear of ridicule.

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“The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues.” CATO

See the complete survey at: https://www.cato.org/archives/type/article/category/122

Hugh Bouchelle, Editor The Valley New Media Project