Our Opinion

Systemic Racism Questioned

Michael Barry-Rec

Anyone with a pulse has been devastated by what happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis. There needs to be retribution in our judicial system as swiftly as humanly possible. The protests across this nation are justified 100%. But the barbarism resulting in the destruction of community businesses and property (a number of which owned by people of color) is extremely disturbing. To watch the unified condemnation of a most horrendous act be hijacked by anarchist defiling the name of Mr. Floyd is beyond saddening.

I would argue that we are witnessing the fruition of a carefully nurtured narrative portraying deep systemic racism racing through the veins of this country. This assertion by many on the left is patently false! Does racism exist today? Unfortunately, yes, but on a scale so very removed and isolated. While an unsettling multitude in the media tirelessly paint the dire picture of a society under control of “white supremacy” the seeds of division have been tragically sown. When an occasional bad actor surfaces and an injustice is committed along racial lines, like clockwork, a most disgusting display of political leveraging undoubtedly dominates the news cycle……a very sad state indeed! 

So, I ask you, if a sincere concern for the upliftment of our African American brothers and sisters exists why the utter silence at the accomplishments of the Trump Administration in this regard? The answer is quite simple – it doesn’t play well for the political party that too many in the media represent. Here is a partial list worth noting: Prior to the pandemic, President Trump’s economic policies ushered in the lowest unemployment numbers for Black and Hispanic Americans in this Nation’s history, signed the First Step Act and criminal justice reform, successfully implemented the Opportunity Zones program creating the means to funnel investments into hard hit, low income communities and increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities by 25% bringing the annual total to $250 million and making that funding permanent. How many of the rioters who are wanting to tear this country down are aware of these incredibly positive achievements? I would wager zero!

It is said that “it’s the strongest of characters that God gives the most challenges”. Well, these are most difficult times we find ourselves. Times that cry out for the unity that too often evades us. I have firm faith that the inherent “good” this country was founded on will emerge triumphant, but, not by we the people sitting idly by. Hang in there America – we will persevere, we will prevail, and we WILL overcome!