
Has Abortion Become the #1 Form of Birth Control?

by Cher Grindle McCoy

Abortion is the #1 cause of death globally.  Over 41 million abortions were performed last year worldwide, according to an estimate by Worldmeters, a statistics tracking service that utilizes data from none other than the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other organizations. 

The number of abortions far surpasses the number of global deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined! 

Not one single fatality could be directly tied to man-caused global warming, aka Climate Change, – nor to “micro-aggressions” (a subtle expression of bigotry) or “misgendering.” Discrimination based on gender identity has been illegal in NY since 2002.

There have been trillions of dollars spent fighting man-caused global warming and an enormous amount of money fighting cancer and AIDS. The US spends millions in the fight against alcohol abuse and for smoking prevention programs.

However, the hundreds of millions of tax dollars spent every year to fund Planned Parenthood (PP) and other abortion providers is not possible for a moral person to rationalize.  We pay through the nose to fight other causes of death, which are not entirely preventable, yet we subsidize death’s biggest cause, which is entirely preventable. That’s just crazy! It’s monstrous. And it’s murder of a human being.

It begs the question:  How did this become legal in the US?  And, for Pete’s sake, how did it morph into birth control?

It is easy to prevent abortions.  CHOOSE NOT TO HAVE ONE.  Take precautions.  Have surgery to prevent pregnancy and last but not least abstain.

It is time for the Democrats to be told that abortion is NOT health care and should not be used for birth control. Democrats need to find some other special interest to fund Democrat candidates for office.

While some focus on transgender and the fragility of a planet that’s been around for 4.5 billion years, they ignore the rights of a baby who has been in the mother’s womb for a few weeks, months, or now even after being born in some states.

                 This mass slaughter of babies must end.  At the very least, we must stop subsidizing it with taxpayer’s dollars. At least half the population opposes abortions, not to mention funding it with their hard earn dollars. Bernie Sanders might say something like, Kill the babies – Save the planet. So, you save the planet. But who will live on it if you keep killing the babies?

Last year I was reading some posts on social media when I came across the subject of abortions and how women were explaining abortion to their kids – some as young as five-years-old. They were telling them how it is ok to have one if you decide you do not want to have that baby.  I finally had to stop reading after hearing how many women were using abortion for birth control. To my horror, one woman said she had already had 27 abortions and was still childbearing age. No one suggested she have surgery instead of abortions to prevent pregnancy. With that many abortions, she clearly did not want a baby! 

I did not participate in the discussion.  I was too angry.  But, if I had, I would have spoken out on behalf of all the babies that were murdered. Then, I would have told the mother who had explained abortion, in a way that she hoped her 5-year-old would understand, that what she failed miserably to understand herself is that she could very well end up with a daughter who runs away from home in fear of being killed if her mother didn’t want her any longer.  These children, I’m afraid, could end up in therapy for years.

There is also the religious factor one should consider with having an abortion.  Religious beliefs are another discussion that comes up when we talk about abortion. If you are a Catholic (or any Christian), you cannot have an abortion. You must choose – because abortion is against the religious beliefs of Christianity and Catholicism.

I have often heard from Democrats when defending their political party that they are Christian Democrats and do not believe in abortion.  Some will add unless it is rape or to save the mother’s life.  Those cases are rare, wouldn’t you agree?  They are rare enough to get the Supreme Court of the United States to approve abortions.  We all know the circumstances by which that approval came, but many soon forgot that, and it then was declared approval of abortions “for any reason,” including but not limited to mental stress. Is it any wonder people are saying, “You cannot be a Christian and a Democrat?”

To get taxpayers to pay for abortions the left uses “access to contraception” as their straw man argument. The straw man argument is when one uses an untrue or unlikely situation (the straw man) and then argues that if you care about the problem you must do something to fix it – a problem that in reality does not even exist. The idea is that they get what they want because you are afraid of the strawman. For example, a person argues that their access to birth control is being denied (the straw man) when in truth, they have plenty of access to birth control. However, they should pay for it themselves.

Having sex without the express intention of reproducing is just entertainment – for all intents and purposes. Why should taxpayers have to pay for other’s entertainment. They have lost the argument at this point, and they know it.

Don’t miss my next article where I address in more detail the way the left manipulates language to hide the true meaning they know would be unpopular.

NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: In 1994, then Senator Joe Biden told a concerned constituency that “I will continue to abide by the same principle that has guided me throughout my 21 years in the Senate: those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them.” Today, to appease those who put him in the White House, he is willing to sign the COVID 19 relief bill without a “Hyde” type Amendment to guarantee that tax-payer dollars are not used to fund abortions. To read more about this click here.