Our OpinionPolitics

Have We Become a Faceless Nation?

By Cher Grindle McCoy

Who among us has the Right to criticize those who do not wear a mask in public?  Where in the Constitution does it give one a right to demand another wear a mask to protect someone else which infringes on their right to not wear one?

If the masks protect you and you keep a safe distance how does one catch anything from someone who isn’t wearing a mask?

You absolutely have no right to ask someone their medical reason for not wearing a mask any more than you do asking an owner of a service dog what their disability is.  It’s against the law!  That said, why would you think its okay to ask someone why they are not wearing a mask?  Worse than that, people are assuming one is just being defiant when they yell at someone not wearing a mask without asking why. And this should not be assumed that if one isn’t wearing one that they should stay home.

There are so many misunderstandings about face mask.  While many will claim they significantly reduce transmission of COVID19 it is equally believed that it does not.  To a virus thousands of times smaller than the mesh of a mask, a cloth appears like an immense lattice of large and completely open windows and doors.

Without going into the political aspect of the reason for face masks, just examine the misguidance of a false sense of security one has come to expect when wearing a mask.  When analyzing the facts the cloth confines larger bacteria, aerosols, and sputum near receptive surfaces, such as your eyes, nose, and mouth and thus cultivates both mental and physical disease.

Several studies have been made that have found no significant benefits and several downsides.  Remember in the beginning we were all told that only the sick should wear a mask.  But if you look at it politically that would not achieve the goal of the left with regard to the main agenda – compliance and the percent who would comply with such an order.

One thing we have all discovered during these faceless months is that we can’t recognize anyone and it’s difficult to understand anyone who tries to speak to you.

One of the more frightening aspects of the face mask mandates is the fear that it will continue longer than anyone expected.  Another issue that has come to light recently is the fear that the nation be forced to be vaccinated for COVID when they finally have a vaccine?  There are many who do not want to take that vaccine.  And most of all, is this the new normal everyone fears?  If so, I predict there will be substantial unintended consequences.  We will see more mental illness, suicides, alcoholism, spousal and child abuse and conflict.  We will most certainly see resentment by those who feel their Rights have been violated.  Something in America we hold dear.