Our OpinionPolitics

I Fight Despite Being Hated

I fight for our country on Facebook, as it is one of the few places that I can perhaps, have an impact in protecting our Constitution, Rights and Electoral College. The forces behind the movement have come to the forefront – it is the Deep State/Communism. I have researched and backed this up – it is all in the open. The problem is that no one wants to know – they cannot believe it could happen here. Unfortunately, it is happening and if people knew their history they could see it. So I fight by posting educational things and sometimes, obvious statements shared by others. I have several nieces and nephews who hate me for posting because they are on the other side. Astounding to me is that the left “hates” the right to the point of violence. Free speech is what this country is all about – being able to disagree, discuss and still be friends. That is gone now. The country is divided. I have to remember that civics and history were removed from the school systems in the 1990s – My friends and I saw this clearly and removed our children from the public schools. We talked about the repercussions’ of what was happening at that time and predicted this outcome. No one wanted to know.

So people tell me not to post or even write fact based and backed up information because then they can’t “like me”. But what does one do? Do I sit back and let my country fall because someone doesn’t like what I say? No. I fight for future generations. In order to not be hated by my family/friends, I have blocked all those people who take offence and I tell them that I am doing it because I want to keep their friendships. They seem to accept this nicely but still don’t like that I am not on the same side as they. I don’t talk politics with them so all is good. All my riding friends are on the same page as I, so that’s a relief. My town is 50 – 50 so that’s good. But my nieces and nephews, who love me and say it frequently, don’t want to visit me because of my politics – I find this astounding. I promise not to talk politics – My sister assures them I won’t but I guess it is too scary for them. I listen well and I shift if I agree with them but if I don’t agree, I just say so. I guess that is threatening? I don’t mind if they have a different opinion – I know their parents raised them correctly but they have forgotten. Of course this is part of the educational system failing and I know this but they do not.

They think fact based information is “hate speech” which is really butting up against their “feelings” – feelings are more important than fact? I know they have been indoctrinated and that they are frightened because there are no facts for them to stand squarely on. I try to explain that they don’t have to be scared but their fear outweighs any ability to hear. So will I continue the fight or just be an old person who gives up? Going to die soon anyway? Or do I care about future generations? Knowing me, I won’t give up – it is too important. So, I have to accept being hated for doing something good. It’s just so sad… they have no idea what they will be losing. They think they will still have the same freedoms if the Left takes over. They won’t and they will “wonder” what has happened. Entitled people can never imagine that they will not be free – after all, it would hurt their “feelings”.

Eleanor Byrd