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Joe Biden and the Smoking Gun

Will someone define the term “Smoking Gun”?  Not Joe Biden, of course.  He hates guns (or at least gun owners) and has,  prematurely, made known his intention to deny ownership of most guns to most citizens (“non-elites”) having already told “Beto” (“hell yes wer’e coming after your AK-15s”) that he will be appointed to head up the confiscation process.  Despite Biden’s antipathy toward guns, however, he seems to have left a number of “smoking” versions lying about; in Ukraine, for example.

Almost immediately after Obama put Biden in charge of “Ukraine” Policy, Biden’s son Hunter (and Hunter’s partner, Devin Archer), were appointed to the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, a corrupt Ukranian energy exploration company.  Neither Hunter Biden nor Archer had any experience or expertise in energy matters whatsoever; yet each was paid over $1 million a year by Burisma.  It was not a matter of concern that Burisma and its Founder were under investigation by the Ukranian government for numerous criminal offenses, including money laundering; nor, apparently were there any second thoughts when Burisma’s Founder fled to the United Kingdom (whose Serious Fraud Office then commenced its own investigation of Burisma).

It is obvious that the payments of over $5,500.00 per day paid Hunter and his partner were not for their “non-experience” but were in recognition (and expectation) that the one person in the right office that could come to Burisma’s aid at the right time, was Hunter’s daddy, the Vice-President.  And boy did he deliver.

While Joe Biden’s gun barrels may have been “warm” up to then, they had not been smoking; no crime had been committed.  Until that is, the Vice-President of the United States appeared on television bragging about the Criminal Act he had successfully finessed, threatening the President of Ukraine with withholding $355 million in U.S. Financial aid (and $1 billion in loan guarantees) unless Viktor Shoin, the Ukraine Prosecutor heading the Burisma investigation was fired.  Here is Biden on television:

I looked at them and said:

“I’m leaving in six hours.  If the prosecutor

is not fired, you’re not getting the money.”

Biden, proud of the way he handled this Criminal act, laughed:

Well, son of a bitch.  He got fired and they

put in place someone who was solid.

Ukraine’s top prosecutor, regarded as honest and effective, was gone; corruption endured and Hunter, who had been destined to meet with the prosecutor, dodged a bullet.

Usually a criminal does not brag of his success.  Biden, however, was confident that the reliable myrmidons of the major (sic) media would cover for him and it has. Also, on television, he confidently stated that “this will all go away in a couple of days” and that nothing more would be heard of the matter.  And indeed, there was but insignificant comment from the major (sic) media whose Ukraine focus was, instead, the need to impeach Trump!  (Because he had committed the crime of suggesting to the new Ukranian President that the matter be looked into.)

So, what a majority of the American people consider a “smoking gun” apparently ain’t, and a clear, unambiguous admission – a blatant declaration against interest – is not an “Admission” — unless the mainstream (sic) media (sic) says it is.  Thus, we are only left with the description by that eminent watchdog of the public interest, Judicial Watch:

“One of the sleaziest Washington swamp

influence peddling schemers ever, and it

involves Ukraine, Joe Biden and his so

Hunter Biden.”

Judicial Watch also notes:  “Congress is not investigating it.  The Justice Department is not prosecuting it.  And the mainstream media is ignoring it!

After 30 unproductive years, “Sleepy Joe” has at last accomplished something.

Keith E. Putbrese

Natural Bridge, VA