Our OpinionPolitics

My Thoughts on Trump

Below is an email I received from Steve Scalise:

Below, in part, was my response.


I am more than happy to donate to a cause that brings more conservatives and libertarians into the House.

However, I am not sure how I got identified as a “Top Supporter for Pres. Trump.” My hope for the next Presidential election is that some other conservative might step up not carrying Trump’s baggage. If they do, I will back them. I think a lot of folks feel that way.

Trump was abrasive and obnoxious, but his policies were right – most of the time. However, maybe this next election the Republican Party can find a candidate that can be right – without the theater? Do we want a President that 1/2 the country hates (whether or not that hate is fair)?

Many on the left, and center-left, are convinced that Trump encouraged the Jan 6th Riots as an attempt to foil the election. We are not going to change those people’s minds. Therefore, I worry that a second Trump Presidency could lead to even more division in a country already divided near to breaking.

A good argument could be made that if there is a growing divide, it is not Trump’s fault. But regardless of where you place the blame, the problem is real, and it’s dangerous. I am not willing to risk widening that divide without considering other options.

So, for right now, I am not a “Top Trump Supporter.” Nor am I a “Never Trumper.” I prefer waiting and praying for a candidate that can bring the country together while honoring the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence – the principles that join us and define us as Americans.


Hugh Bouchelle

Hugh Bouchelle, Editor The Valley New Media Project

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