Our OpinionPolitics

Please don’t fall for it!

The biggest hit the conservative movement took over the last year was not
the election – it was the aftermath of the riots on Jan 6.

I say aftermath because even the riots, as destructive as they were, did not
rise to the apocalypse of hate and supposed fear that has followed.

Thanks to this rare situation where a conservatives’ demonstration turned
violent, we now expect to have 25,000 troops in DC for the inauguration. Anyone
remotely associated with the Jan 6 riot is probably on the no-fly list at the
airlines. They are likely subject to arrest, have had their social media
accounts suspended, and lost their job.

The rioters gave the left all the ammunition they needed to punish the right
for the four years of Trump they just suffered through. Never ones to let a disaster
go to waste, now the left promises more and harsher reprisals than were ever even
considered during last summer’s violence.

It isn’t often conservatives hand them an opportunity like this – and they
would love to see it happen again. Therefore, now we hear rumors of additional violence
planned for the inauguration.

Please don’t fall for it!

I would not be shocked to find out that many of these “rumors”
were started by leftists as a form of wishful thinking. If there are any
conservatives out there thinking more riots are a good idea – they are not! 

The country is not so far gone that it is time for violent revolution. Conservatives realize this and know that good arguments combined with peaceful political action are still much more likely to bring sanity and stability to the crazy political circus that is currently our national politic.

Boyd Matheson, writing in the op-ed section of the Deseret News last week,
wrote, “If all we have in common is our shared contempt for each other,
the fraying fabric of our civil society may soon be rent beyond repair.”

I don’t believe we are quite there yet.

So, Stay home. Show the left’s political posturing for what it truly is –
overblown propaganda to punish Trump and the conservative movement. It’s
nothing more than a leftist wish that republicans will take the bait and
cause a scene they can post on the evening news.

Please don’t fall for it.

Hugh Bouchelle, Editor The Valley New Media Project