
The Great Reset

Cher Grindle McCoy is a regular contributor to the Valley New Media Project and co-hosts the Soapbox, a regular podcast of interviews with the shakers and movers in our community. In 2012, Cher discovered Agenda 21, its dangerous nature, and that it was already operating in Virginia. Her research eventually led to five seminars on the subject and an invitation to speak to the Roanoke Board of supervisors as a subject matter expert before they renewed their contract with ICLEI, the state manifestation of Agenda 21. The story of her speech was later published in “The Roanoke Times” and later “The New York Times.” According to Cher, “Roanoke did get rid of ICLEI the next time it came up for a vote.  In fact,  New Hampshire has a bill that prohibits joining ICLEI:  HB1634 which is similar to the one I wrote.”

After a year of masks, lockdowns, and 6’ distancing, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight.  There have been threats that there could be a new pandemic every year unless we completely change human society.  That means freedom has to die, or the human race will.  That’s a scary thought.  Those on the left refuse to admit that all of this is political, or it would have been handled differently.

How did we get here?  Even more important, how do we fight back?  There are those dedicated to an agenda designed to reorganize human society. The plan is global in origin and scope and is being systematically imposed through local, county, and state governments.  How are they doing it?  It is all under the guise of environmental protection.  These people are rich, politically powerful, and well organized.

They are excellent at their cunning ways using dodge, duck, and weave through any organized opposition. Massive, draconian measures were used by the government at every level to contain the spread of the China virus; now, sustainable policy proponents see an opportunity to use many of the same “emergency” tactics under the threat of a declared environmental crisis to rush their agenda into place.

As a result of the emergency measures taken for the virus and the new threat of a push for the government to keep those emergency measures in place to combat an unproven environmental crisis, American citizens must learn bold, determined tactics and political skills to preserve and protect Constitutionally protected rights and personal liberties now threatened like never before in the nation’s history.

The Green New Deal is not new.  It’s Agenda 21, and the plan is to make it law.  It started over 30 years ago when Bill Clinton was president back in 1992.  He worked to destroy our education system through his Goals 2000 program, Workforce Development, and school-to-work.

While Agenda 21 itself is global, there is a local division called International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).  This group works on getting the local City Councils and Board of Supervisors involved in their program.  They offer programs that sound good, grants from the government, etc. but what they don’t tell you is they will take away some of your liberties. One of them is taking your property. 

What ICLEI doesn’t tell you is that the meters will collect data to be used later for their agenda. Let’s say you were in the middle of drying your clothes that you just washed when your dryer suddenly shuts off.  You call your electric company, and they tell you that you have used your allotted amount for the month.  This is only one of the things that would be done, but there are many more that would slowly be introduced until you have no rights at all. 

I know this all sounds like a Sci-Fi movie or one of Stephen King’s novels, but it’s already happening in America in a community near you.  Water rights will be next, and then your land.

“If you don’t have the right to own and control property then you are the property.”  Wayne Hage, Rancher

A Game of Mis-direction

Too many of us focus only on federal agencies & Congress for action.  However, we have a chance to make significant steps forward in state legislatures and city and county governments.  These are the places where most of the sustainable policy is being implemented.  That is a direct result of the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) hidden forces that surround local officials and pressure them to take federal grants that have been written to enforce sustainable policies written under the guise of Climate Change (formerly known as Global Warming). The grants are cancer.  Sustainable Development is a mighty force, and many state legislatures believe they are few against so many of them.

Five paths are being used to transform America from a free, sovereign, independent nation to a piece of the global village:

  1. “Wetlands Project” –  to control the rural area
  2. “Smart Growth” – to control large cities/metro areas
  3. “Public/Private Partnerships” (P3s) to control businesses
  4. “Regionalism” to transform your local governments
  5. “No Child Left Behind” to brainwash, indoctrinate, and control the children in schools

It’s in every community in the nation.  It’s used in county commission meetings and state legislatures.  It’s been used in advertising as a positive practice for food processing and auto sales.  The nation is being transformed as promised by Barack Obama under the banner of “Sustainable Development,” and it is Agenda 21 or now Green New Deal – same evil, different name.

The Tactics of Agenda 21 and the Green New Deal

So, what is Agenda 21/Green New Deal?  In rural areas the tactic is to control the land, water, energy, and population of the earth.  To achieve this requires the destruction of private property rights and the elimination of every individual’s ability to make personal lifestyle choices, including personal diet.  Remember Michele Obama’s school lunches that few kids ate?  And that’s why the American Beef Industry is such a target.

First, they had to create a false crisis, so everyone would feel the need to take immediate action.  Their tactic was to declare that beef was not sustainable – not a good product to grow and not a healthy food for people.  This put the cattlemen in the middle of a tough move by the radical environmental movement seeking control of land use and the Animal rights Movement, which demanded the end of the consumption of animals.

But their most effective tactic is the never-ending threat of Global Warming and polar bears going extinct.  They say global warming is driven by energy consumption and cows are energy guzzlers.  That’s because you need trucks to transport cattle to market.  They want a perfect sustainable community.  Everything then would be produced in the city. The Soviet Union called them gulags, and the people starved.

By now, you must wonder where everyone would live that were forced to leave the rural area.  Good question!  They would live in the city in high risers.  In other words, we would be packed and stacked without vehicles, only bicycles or public transportation to get around.  Haven’t you noticed more bike trails being made in America? 

Government can remove your property rights through Eminent Domain, Federal Regulations, State and Regional Regulations, Local planning, Federal Grant money, and Conservation Easements.

The idea is simple.  If you don’t toe the line, you can be shut out of society.

It begs the question:  What is not sustainable?  According to the UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report,

Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single-family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment are just a few of the non-sustainable activities that need to go away.

The Great Reset

The reorganization of society now is the Great Reset.  It’s all about fear, compliance, and control.  Does this not sound familiar?  The China Virus did all of those worldwide.  Only the US took it to an extreme, as we have witnessed this past year. “Sustainable” and “Social Justice” are now the terms of choice.  See how they work their way into everything.

The reorganization of society now is the Great Reset.  It’s all about fear, compliance, and control.

I found there was major opposition to all of this tyrannical enforcement everywhere I went.  Now is the time to pay attention to the language the left is using.  See my recent article on “How the Left Manipulates Language.”

Below are the “Buzz” words that you need to be looking for so you can recognize them to be about the issues we have been dealing with for the past 30 years and ones they are currently using to brainwash American citizens. 

Reset Energy:  stop the use of oil, convert everything to wind and solar.  It’s sustainable.

Reset Food:  no more beef.  Control the cattle industry with the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, to make it impossible for American cattlemen to survive.  Replace it with fake beef from plants.  It’s sustainable

Reset Government:  change election laws to legalize voter fraud; no proof of citizenship; no control over voter rolls; allow illegals, criminals, and the dead to vote at will; encourage private groups to carry out ballot harvesting, mail in ballots sent to everyone; polls open for weeks on end.  It’s all for Social Justice.

Reset Economy:  make all investments into stocks only for those companies that can prove they follow sustainable practices in producing their products.  These include transportation companies, restaurants, auto makers, and healthcare facilities.  If companies don’t follow “sound” sustainable practices they will not be funded.  A recent report said that within the next year, 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t sustainable.

Reset Education:  the classroom is no longer a place where your child learns basic academics including history, math, or English.  Instead, the curriculum has morphed into behavior modification processes designed to destroy individual thoughts and values.  Today’s classroom has become a factory to turn out ignorant, compliant global village idiots.  And that’s why the left has such a hold on them.  That’s Social Justice.  As an Animal Behaviorist, I know a lot of about behavior modification!

Reset Your Thinking and Habits:  your entire personal life is now recorded in digital records.  Everywhere you go, who you interact with, the food you buy, the amount of energy you use, the thoughts you post on social media, and your bank accounts, are all part of the public record.  You will be judged by all of these things.  How?  By adjusting your credit rating based on your actions.  Eat beef?  Then you are not healthy.  Use too much energy to heat your home?  You are not sustainable.  Who did you vote for in the last election?  If you are not practicing sustainable policy or adhering to Social Justice properly, then your credit rating could be reduced.

If you want to know how to fight the government and win, check out the story of my dear friend, Martha Boneta, the most admired and loved farmer in Virginia! She became a grassroots activist when she built an effective property rights movement and won against the government. I am proud to be her friend.  I am proud that I had a small part in helping her fight the government, and I would stand with her any day to fight anyone who ever tried to infringe on her property rights again!

If you get the chance to sit it out or dance……………I hope you dance!

Cher Grindle McCoy