
Thoughts from a teacher at last week’s B.O.E. meeting

Below is a transcript of Jan Lowry’s comments given at the Rockbridge County Board of Education meeting 8/10/2021. Besides her courage in standing up to the craziness from the left, her points are well spoken and mirror what many of us are thinking. Hopefully her comments can inspire more of us to take a stand.

Because this was given to me as a transcript I did not make any corrections to what I received. This is exactly as I got it, included an obvious transcribed typo.


Jan Lowry, Rockbridge County…As background, I am a 35-year veteran teacher having  
taught in several different states and overseas with the Department of Defense.

Because we live in a representative government, you were elected to represent  
the citizens of Rockbridge County in your specific Districts. You may think you get your  
“walking orders” from the VA Department of Education but you are answerable to the  
parents and citizens of Rockbridge County.

As our representative I employ you to please stand up to the VDOE and say enough is  
enough! That is why you were elected! To serve the citizens that put you into the  
positions you hold!

All of our children deserve to be educated…They ALL deserve to be taught they are  
good and worthy individuals and can achieve great things. Not because of their skin  
color or sexual orientation…But because they are smart and worthy individuals!

Of course, if there is a racist incident in any of our schools — that incident needs to be  
delt with! But to say our children and teachers are ‘systematically oppressive and  
racists’ is WRONG!

Not only is spending money on diversity, equity and inclusion training diverting funds  
from actual education, but the VA Dept. of Education guidelines are destructive. They  
reject the fundamental idea on which our constitutional republic is based. Applying this  
philosophy would violate a multitude of American civil rights laws by treating people  
differently according to race or gender. It should NOT be elevated in Rockbridge  
County Schools!

Threatening to withhold funds is a bullying tactic that the state is using. We are wasting time

and energy on these indoctrination programs and policies.

Rockbridge  County Schools should be spending time, energy and money in teaching educationally  sound programs —The 3 R’s Reading, ‘lilting and ‘Rithmetic NOT Radical Racist Rhetoric!  Our students, in ALL grades, should be taught about our Founding Fathers documents.

So in closing, I’d like to quote what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said about our founding  document in his “I Have a Dream” speech.

“When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution  
and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which  
every American was a full heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as  
well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the  
pursuit of happiness.”