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Why I am still voting for Trump

I know – the debate was horrible. It is the exact reason why so many folks don’t like Trump. And while one might argue the lack of decorum cannot be blamed all on the President, there is no doubt that he will receive most of the blame in the media.

Yet for all this, I will still be voting for his second term. Why, you may ask? Three reasons.

First, is the same reason I voted for him the first time around, Supreme Court nominations. He has held true to his word to select originalist, highly qualified judges, one of the most important things a President does. Can you imagine who Biden would nominate? Whoever it might be, they would probably make Ginsburg look like a far right radical. Just the thought gives me chills and alone is enough of a reason to vote for Trump.

Second, the economy. The economy has been booming under Trump. And as much as Democrats hate to hear it, a rising tide raises all ships.

I am not naive enough to believe that a any president controls the economy. But Trump has reduced restrictive and unnecessary business regulations and stood up for small business owners. He has created a more friendly business environment were American ingenuity is thriving. What does Biden offer – socialist leaning policies that depress the entrepreneurial spirit.

Finally, I am impressed with the President’s success in foreign policy. By placing American interests first and projecting strength, the world is seeing the U.S. in a new light and the results are startling. With three Nobel Peace Prize nominations and new peace agreements between Israel and several Arab states under his belt, he makes the Obama/Biden foreign policy look like what it was – an apology tour.

There is more; support for the police, support for the military, standing up for the little guy – I could go on. The point is simple, policy, in this election, trumps personality (pun intended).

So even if I don’t like my President calling people names, and interrupting too much during a debate, I can bite my tongue and deal with it – as long as his policies remain conservative and his results impressive.

Especially when his opponent is a puppet for the left.

Hugh Bouchelle, Editor The Valley New Media Project

One thought on “Why I am still voting for Trump

  • Another great article that hits the proverbial nail on the head. I am sure an opinion shared by many clear thinking folk who love this Country and hate the way the Left and the Media are trying so hard to destroy it.

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