Our Opinion

While we were all looking at the Covid-19 crisis, guess what Governor Northam did

By Hugh Bouchelle

Governor Northam recently signed a Bill into law which allows localities to pass anti-discrimination laws insuring the fair treatment of transgendered individuals in education. While I support treating all children fairly, including those confused over their gender (gender dysphoria), I still have a problem with this new law that defines gender as, “the gender-related identity, appearance, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth.

In other words, schools can make identity rules by any gender related quality they want, except the one that matters most – biology.

Also signed into law by the Governor was (HB 145) which requires the Department of Education, by December 31st, to develop model policies for local schools regarding how to fairly treat transgendered students. I wonder if he has also directed the BOE to try and slip these new policies out at a time when the public is again distracted – like it is now. He might find that political slight of hand a little more difficult to pull off.

Several months ago I published the op-ed below which addressed the problem of medical sex change procedures for minors. It got me fired. I included it below so you could see for yourself how “outrageous” it was.

This is the type of push-back normal-thinking people will face as this problem comes to a head in our schools. The good news is that independent news sources like The Valley New Media Project will continue to speak truth to power.

Insanity and the transgendered child

I must have been around four or five the morning I decided I couldn’t walk.

There’s probably some scientific name for what was at the time nothing more than a kid’s over- reaction to the very real fear of polio and the new vaccine in the news. Perhaps it had something to do with having a paraplegic in the home. Regardless, in my mind, at four-years-old, the paralysis was very real. To this day, I remember the frustration of trying to move legs that refused to budge.

Thankfully, my mother, recognizing the truth, fixed breakfast, put it on the table, and told me it was ready whenever I was hungry. The paralysis didn’t last long. Closer to minutes than days. Food has always been a great motivator in my life.

I wonder how different my life might have been if instead of fixing my breakfast my Mother had carried me to the table. What if she had taken me to a doctor, who instead of telling me there was nothing wrong, gave me a wheelchair. None of this happened of course because back in the 50’s reality mattered.

Today, not so much. Some want us to believe that our sexuality is artificially created through association with family and friends. A quick peak in a human anatomy book proves that theory wrong. But even if it were so, how would it be bad to teach children to live in harmony with their physical nature? To do otherwise seems un-natural and potentially harmful. (Consider the astronomically high suicide rates, up to 50 percent, for young people suffering from gender confusion.)

Yet the craziness continues.

So, when I saw this headline, “Court Rules That a Mom Can Transition Son into a Girl Against His Dad’s Wishes,” I got fired up … again.

The story tells about seven-year-old James Younger whose divorced Mother (a pediatrician no less) has decided that her son must be a girl because he wants to dress up like his TV hero (a girl) and his favorite movie is Frozen. According to the boy’s Father Jeff Younger, Anne Georgulas, the boy’s Mother, started dressing him in girl’s clothes at age three, telling him monsters only eat boys and withholding affection if he didn’t act like a girl.

The court decision mentioned in the article, apparently opens the door for little James’ Mother to begin puberty reversal treatments – a process known to cause sterilization. Thankfully, a second court, has now decided the Father, does have parental rights to stop this madness.

When at his Father’s house James acts and plays like a boy, and, according to his Father, violently opposes having to wear girl’s clothes. When at his Mother’s house he plays and acts like a girl. Maybe he is simply behaving in a way that gets him the love of his parents.

This doesn’t even sound like gender dysphoria since James acts like a normal boy in normal situations. No, this is child abuse by someone who ought to know better. Even if James was confused (suffering from gender dysphoria) studies show that without treatment, nearly all (95 percent) of these children eventually grow comfortable with their birth gender.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not paranoid that transgenders are taking over the world. Transgendersim has been around for most of human history and will continue as long as we continue to treat mental illness as a choice. The transgender lifestyle is too destructive to individuals and society to ever be truly mainstream and even its current (dare I say) popularity, will soon subside.

Meanwhile, however, we cannot allow children’s lives to be destroyed by parents and doctors who are either too scared, or too indoctrinated, to speak truth to insanity.

I have always cringed a little when I hear a parent say my child and I are best friends. Being your child’s best friend is fantastic as long as it is secondary to being their parent. This means teaching your child right and wrong and what is best in life, regardless of whether they “hate you” (temporarily) for doing so.

When it comes to parenting, I try not to be too judgmental. It is a hard job and we all make mistakes. But if the stories about James’ Mother are true, that is child abuse, plain and simple. And regardless of her possible “good intentions,” society should not allow a misled Mother to chemically or surgically destroy her child’s future in homage to an insane dedication to leftist gender theories.

If an adult wants to have transgender surgery or take hormones – go for it. While I feel it is validating a mental illness – adults are generally allowed to harm themselves. Children should be protected from such craziness because of the life changing, unalterable effects. Our legislators need to support Virginia Health Boards, [such as the Medical Society of Virginia] which has banned conversion therapies for minors, by passing laws that impose legal penalties on those who provide hormone treatments or surgery for sex change purposes to minors.

To do less is simply … well, crazy!